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How Can Green Tea be a Beauty Enhancing Drink

  • I've been a Diet Coke addict for most of my life, but there came a day when I made that life-changing decision: I wanted to quit. And let me tell you, it was a lot harder than I expected it to be. I was suffering from major caffeine withdrawals, which no amount of coconut water could ease.
  • It was then that I went on the ravenous search for Diet Coke's replacement in my life, and I found it in green tea. The caffeine in green tea satisfies my cravings for soda, making it a lot easier to get through the day without snapping at my co-workers or falling asleep on a stack of Post-its. After some additional research, I discovered that there are a lot of benefits associated with my new caffeine fix, from healthy skin to a better smile. Here they are:
  • Better Skin. Green tea is filled with antioxidants that cleanse your body from the inside out, eliminating toxins that damage your skin. Not only can green tea help prevent those unsightly sunspots and wrinkles, but it also helps to fight blemishes and reduce redness -- and puffiness -- causing inflammation. Oh, and for all you eczema sufferers out there, skin specialists say that sipping on green tea daily will help reduce your symptoms and is 20 times more powerful than vitamin E.
  • Here are a few tips to get even more from that cup of green tea:
  • 1. Use it as a toner. After you've finished cleansing your skin, take your leftover tea bag and gently wipe it across your face. For a more refreshing approach, refrigerate a cup of green tea then dip a cotton ball in it and apply to your face and neck. Green tea is less harsh on your skin than most alcohol-based toners and is a natural astringent, so it helps close up your pores and gives your skin a more toned look.
  • 2. Swap it for your exfoliator. Cut open your tea bag and spread the tealeaves all over your face. Gently massage your skin in a circular motion. I do this frequently and have noticed a brighter and smoother complexion.
  • 3. Apply it to a blemish. Place a hot tea bag on your pimple and hold it against the area for one to two minutes. Repeat this for several days until your zit is gone. I find this really helps my pimples disappear fast.
  • Whiter Teeth. I was pleased to find out that green tea is a natural source of fluoride that not only protects your teeth from tooth decay and plaque build-up, but also helps fight bad breath. I won't feel so guilty next time I forget to brush after that cup of tea.
  • Weight Loss. According to dietitian Wendy A. Albovias, RD the polyphenols (an antioxidant) in green tea help you burn more fat. Albovias also says that green tea may be helpful in treating health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease thanks to its high antioxidant content.
  • Not convinced green tea tastes good enough to swap it for that can of cola? Choose a tea that's flavored (I love fruity green teas) or stir in some honey. And if you're trying to steer clear of caffeine, there are decaffeinated options out there too.

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