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Showing posts from July, 2012

What are the Benefits of Iced Green Tea

Iced green tea is the perfect drink to have on a hot summer night. This drink is refreshing and incredibly tasty, but what is the best iced green tea's health benefits it holds. Add lemon to your iced green tea and you can make it even more tasty and healthy. If you have diabetes, you may want to sweeten your tea with a natural sweetener like stevia. Learn more about the advantages of iced green tea and enjoy them for better health. Vitamin C Benefits Iced green tea contains a large amount of vitamin C as both green tea and lemons are rich in this vitamin. Vitamin C has a significant impact on strengthening the immune system. A study by scientists at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences has shown green tea has the ability to prevent tumor formation in mammary cells. Vitamin C can also lower your cholesterol, and it can be used to treat diabetes and elevated blood pressure states Linda Page, author of Healthy Healing Linda Page, All the eleventh edition.

[Recipe] How to Prepare Green Tea Ice Cream

If you are a fan of green tea, then chances are you will also enjoy having green tea ice cream. If this happens, there are a couple of ways you can get your hands on some of this delicious ice cream. The first method is to search the supermarkets in the frozen food aisle looking for a tub of green tea ice cream. The second method, however, implies the use of a green tea ice cream recipe. Ingredients For Making Green Tea Ice Cream : » 1 tbsp Matcha Green Tea Powder » 3/4 cup whipped Heavy Cream » 3/4 cup Milk » 2 Egg Yolks » 5 tbsp Sugar » 3 tbsp Hot Water Steps for Preparation of Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe 1. Take a small dish and mix with hot water and green tea powder together and keep aside. Then take a pan and lightly whisk the egg yolks together. 2. Add sugar to egg yolks, lightly beaten, gradually adding the milk as well. Next, place the pan on the stove over a low heat. Stir in sugar, egg yolk and milk mixture constantly to avoid sticking to the pan.

Green Tea is Made of What Ingredients

In the past decade, green tea has become a choice of more and more popular drink for a number of reasons. Known for helping people lose weight while pushing things like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and bad cholesterol, green tea has become a part of the lives of people who are interested in being healthy. Interestingly, most people are completely unaware of the ingredients in green tea, which we wanted to cover in this article. With over 3000 different types of tea, it is fascinating to note that green tea is among the best choice. Grown on the Camellia sinensis bush, the leaves actually produce three distinct types of tea depending on how they are treated. For example, the unfermented leaves produce green tea, semi-fermented leaves produce oolong tea and fully fermented leaves of this plant to produce black tea. For green tea, the leaves must be dried quickly, which is usually in the form of Chinese by pan firing or steaming, which maintains the beautiful color and t

Top 6 Benefits of Green Tea for Improving Skin

Promoted as the modern-day miracle drink, green tea has become very popular around the world. In recent decades scientists have discovered a variety of health benefits attributed to natural ingredients of this drink. You probably already know it works wonders when it comes to cancer and weight loss, but do you know that it is also good for skin? Any modern skin and hair products use green tea as one of their main ingredients. Used as a cream, lotion or shampoo, or just drunk on a daily basis, this natural anti-oxidant packed product helps fight against free radicals that cause premature aging or illness. Here's what green tea can do for your skin health: 1. Fights free Radicals Free radicals occur naturally in the body due to excessive sun exposure, pollution and smoking. Benefits of green tea skin are explained by the powerful antioxidants found in this drink, which increase the antioxidant capacity of tissues and blood. 2. Younger Skin Cells A 2003 study by the Me

What are Antioxidants Benefits of Green Tea

Hardly a month goes by without some newly discovered green tea benefits appearing in the headlines. "Green tea prevents prostate". Green tea fights arthritis". "Green tea boosts detox enzymes". The list goes on and on... What is the magic green tea ingredient that makes all these wonderful medical cures possible? Green tea antioxidants. Here are seven reasons why they are so powerful. 1. Fight Free Radicals It starts with the bad guys: free radicals. They are everywhere - in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even the sunlight we love so much. Every moment, the body absorbs oxygen and turns it into energy in a process called oxidation. This process releases free radicals. They are usually mopped up by antioxidants before they can hurt us. As we age, however, this process becomes more inefficient. Highly reactive, these harmful molecules travel around our body. They damage cells and DNA, causing aging, heart disease, strokes and cancers.

Recipe on How to Make Iced Green Tea

Green tea is known for its health benefits, including the ability to provide antioxidants. Guests can enjoy a hot green tea, or pour it over ice for a refreshing drink on a hot day. It takes less than 20 minutes to brew iced green tea. Steps on To Make Iced Green Tea 1. Add 4-6 cups water, 1 to 2 tbsp. ground ginger and a cup of artificial sweetener in a large saucepan. Boil the mixture over medium heat until it reaches a temperature of 100 degrees F. 2. Set the temperature of the stove down once the water boils. Continue boiling water over low heat for another 10 minutes. 3. Remove from heat and let the water cool. Place six green tea bags into the liquid, with a cup of mint leaves or 1 tsp. lemon zest. Omit the mint and lemon zest, if you prefer to have plain, green tea without the extras. 4. Cover pan with a lid and let steep tea bags in water for 10 to 15 minutes. Stir occasionally to get the maximum flavor of green tea. 5. Remove the tea bags after the liquid cools.